★ REVIEW ★ Parasyte

After scrolling through Facebook, I came across an intriguing clip of this anime that made me want to binge watch it. I’ve heard of this anime before but wasn’t too hooked on the story. I was reading the comments left on the Parasyte clip and people were praising it for being the anime that inspired Tokyo Ghoul even going as far as saying that it was better than Tokyo Ghoul. Now one thing to know about me is that Tokyo Ghoul is one of my top five favorite anime. These comments saying such things sealed the deal and I found myself watching Parasyte that same day.

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SAO: Ordinal Scale & Your Name

Recently I’ve been on a hunt for anime movies playing at my local theater. The first movie my brother mentioned  was Sword Art Online: Ordinal Scale. Then my good guy friend, recommended we watch Your Name before it stopped playing.

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Watch Along: Fukumenkei Noise – EP 4

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Before you keep reading know that there will be spoilers for this anime. So if you don’t like spoilers please don’t read. This is intended for those who are watching the anime at the same time as myself in order to spark conversation and answer questions regarding this anime. 

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Watch Along: Fukumenkei Noise – EP 3

Before you keep reading know that there will be spoilers for this anime. So if you don’t like spoilers please don’t read. I added spoiler warning before the spoilers just in case. Otherwise continue reading! (:

Okay guys, I have a thing about waiting until the new anime are done airing to finally binge watch them. BUT, I just couldn’t help myself! There are some great new anime for this spring season. Fukumenkei Noise is one of my favorites so far. I like watching musical arts anime because I end up with a ton new songs downloaded into my anime playlist. 

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